It has almost been a year since we moved from Atlanta to Charleston; and I can’t really think of a better place to call home. No wonder Charleston has been named one of the top 25 cities in the world, as well as USA’s #1 city for the third year in a row. Pretty much all of these photographs were…
The winter months in the South have been a great time to take care of business; make more personal work, try new gear and techniques, submit album orders, polish up taxes, renew licenses, as well as revamping the website. Whether it’s with the cellphone or the fancy camera, I try to always make pictures and…
The fog grew more dense by the minute, but was kind enough to let me make a few frames before everything turned to a sea of grey. It was a peaceful and surreal way to start my day. Now the hard part – choosing which ones to print.
It truly is beautiful here and I can hardly wait to show you what all I’ve been making in the lowcountry. Write an inquiry and receive a private gallery.
I turned 29 last week, so my grandmother, three aunts, and a cousin came to visit us for the weekend. We stayed downtown pretty much the entire time, but on Sunday afternoon Cory and I took a little drive on over to the Angel Oak tree on Johns Island. I would’ve made more pictures here, but…
Stephen Wain’s shop is just down the street from us, so I stopped in to make some nice pictures and meet some awesome people. The phrase hand crafted is thrown around a lot these days, but this guy is the real deal. There is so much talent in Charleston! Wain Green Wood – Restoration Furniture
It is wonderful to have such a beautiful park nearby. Whether we’re going out for a run, or simply to relax on a cool day, Hampton Park has quickly become our favorite spot. This historic park is tucked away on Charleston’s peninsula and is surrounded by beautiful homes big and small. What a beautiful venue…
It’s almost time to pack up and fill the moving truck (or hire movers?), but before we do that I would like to share some photos from our recent trip(s) to Charleston. One trip was for the Not Wedding in Charleston, supporting friends and making new connections. The next week my wife and I scoured…
Friends and fans, I want to let you know about a big change coming this year for Donnan Photo. We are moving at the end of July! My wife and I are moving to the beautiful city of Charleston, South Carolina for wedding photography and school. We have called Atlanta our home for the past three…